Yayıncılar, yayınlarının basılı versiyonlarını sonlandırmak için birbirleriyle yarışırken dergiler Amazon ve iTunes'da tablet dostu dijital baskılar satmayı tercih eden İsveçli şirketin başına buyrukları Meganews Dergileri yeni bir yöntemle süreli yayınlara baskıyı geri getirerek trendi değiştirmeye karar verdiler.
Baskı ve web'in yenilikçi kullanımını bir araya getiriyor, dünyanın ilk otomatik dergi bayisi İsveç'in Stockholm kentinde çalışmaya başladı bile. Ricoh baskı teknolojisinden güç alan bu otomat internete bağlı ve 200'den fazla dergi ve mecmuayı anında basabiliyor. Meganews'e göre, geleneksel basılı dergilerin 40% gibi şaşırtıcı bir miktarı satılmadan kalıyor ve doğrudan geri dönüşüme gidiyor. Otomatik gazete bayisi, yalnızca talep üzerine dergi ve gazete bastığı için kağıt tasarrufu sağlıyor.
Dergi dağıtımı ve satışı için yeni bir yol
İsveçli müşteriler önce kioskun dokunmatik ekranını kullanarak istedikleri dergiyi seçiyor, kredi kartıyla ödeme yapıyor ve ardından beklerken dergi hemen basılıyor. Meganews, bir derginin tamamının basılmasının iki dakikadan az sürdüğünü söylüyor.
Dergi ve gazete yayıncılığı işinin çevresel etkilerini azaltmanın yanı sıra talep üzerine baskı Bu sistemin bir diğer faydası da dergilerin yabancı dildeki baskılarının, özel sayılarının ve eski nüshalarının arşivlenebilmesi ve her an baskıya hazır hale getirilebilmesidir.
Meganews gazete bayisinin Birleşik Krallık'ta faaliyete geçmesi konusunda henüz kesin bir bilgi yok, ancak önümüzdeki aylarda yerel tren istasyonunuzda, havaalanınızda, otelinizde, üniversitenizde, hastanenizde veya süpermarkette yeni bir kiosk için gözlerinizi dört açın.
Great idea, would have expected the Swedes to come up with a cooler name though!
Really interesting comments. Here are some responses to specific questions.
Q: How will they attach my free gifts? A: This is not possible with the Newsstand. Instead you could add a page inside the magazine with details of how to request gifts etc. That way you will also capture the consumer details
Q: What if I want a magazine from a little known independent publisher but there are no more independent kiosks to distribute them? A: The business model is that Meganews agree distribution deals with publishers. One of the interesting new possibilities is that we can store around 200 magazines on each Newsstand. That means we can offer niche titles, back issues, special editions and so on. In fact one of the magazines available in the first unit in Mood Galleria, Stockholm is Zakka . This magazine is normally online only.
Q: What if I want five magazines and ten minutes later the queue is unbearable? A: There are 3 Point of Sale terminals on each unit. It takes no more than 2 minutes to print each magazine. (What happens if there is a queue at a traditional news stand?)
Q: They would far better invest in some wonderful software that instantly records sales of each particular magazine and set trigger numbers for when regional printing machines churn out additional batches for local distribution. A: You can track indivdual magazine sales via the Newsstand. And of course all titles installed on the Newsstand are always available!
Hope this helps
Many thanks for answering Arabella’s questions, Roger. Any news on a Meganews kiosk coming to the UK?
Sounds good….. on paper! I’m not convinced. I do not recall a grand roll out of the newspaper printing kiosks that were launched years ago following their “remarkable success”. Many people nowadays subscribe to online magazines which works well for technical fields and could cut waste in that department. But for the social reader, a good browse of the magazine racks, a flick through the issues to see what catches your eye and a nice conversation with the retailer about how he sold you a duff lottery ticket last week is far more enjoyable. How will they attach my free gifts? Who will instantly replace the magazine if it comes out damaged? What if I want a magazine from a little known independent publisher but there are no more independent kiosks to distribute them? What if I want five magazines and ten minutes later the queue is unbearable? They would far better invest in some wonderful software that instantly records sales of each particular magazine and set trigger numbers for when regional printing machines churn out additional batches for local distribution. Like the self checkouts in supermarkets, they seemed like a good idea at the time but require constant manning!
Some thoughtful bones of contention you have there, Arabella. I wonder how Meganews would counter them?
I love this idea, absolutely brilliant and very ‘Green’ too. I would definitely use it, if it was launched in the UK.
This is pretty impressive imo, very clever idea!
I was actually in Stokholm recently and heard about this new development. It’s definitely helpful to the guy in the street – on the move, that can’t print personal interest stuff off in the office. It will also catch on I’m sure at transport terminals – for travel and wait reads.