Bu renkli İngiliz bukalemununun olağanüstü kariyerini anlatan 300'den fazla eserle 'David Bowie is' Londra'nın en gözde sergisi haline geldi. Peki siz bir Bowie baskısı için yaklaşık 5.000 Sterlin harcar mıydınız?
Resim Kaynağı: V&A
'David BowieAğustos başına kadar Londra'daki Victoria & Albert Müzesi'nde (V&A) sergilenecek olan 'Bowie' sergisi, büyük ölçüde V&A'nın David Bowie'nin müzik, video, film, fotoğraf, kostüm, el yazısı şarkı sözleri, set tasarımları ve diğer hatıra eşyalarından oluşan önemli arşivine eşi benzeri görülmemiş erişimi sayesinde bir gecede sansasyon yarattı.
Müze ayrıca David Bowie baskılarından oluşan bir koleksiyonu ve posterlerBirçoğu sınırlı sayıda üretilen bu baskılar sadece sergi süresince V&A Shop'ta satılacak. Devam eden Tasarım ve Baskı İlhamı blog serimizin bir parçası olarak Solopress, şu anda V&A'da satışta olan en pahalı beş David Bowie baskısına daha yakından bakmanın eğlenceli olacağını düşündü.
Solopress'in uzman grafik tasarımcılarından Julie Simpkins, "Bu albüm kapakları ve baskılar birlikte büyüdüğümüz bir şey ve dönemin tarzına uygun" diyor. "Tabii ki bazılarından daha ilginçler. Bu David Bowie'nin tarzıydı ve onu şu anda olduğu yıldız yapan bir şeydi. Ayrıca onun çok yönlülüğünü ve yaratıcılığını da gösteriyor."
Hunky Dory Albüm Kapağı (1971)
Resim Kaynağı: Ses İstasyonu
En çok David Bowie'nin Hunky Dory ve Ziggy Stardust albümlerindeki (yukarıda ve aşağıda yer alan) ikonik çizimleriyle tanınan sanatçı Terry Pastor Arthur C. Clark, Michael Crichton, Micky Spillane ve The Beach Boys için de albüm ve kitap kapakları hazırladı. Pastor, Hunky Dory ve Ziggy Stardust albüm kapaklarını oluşturmak için siyah-beyaz bir fotoğrafı airbrush ile foto-boyalar uygulayarak renklendirdi.
26 x 27 inç kağıt boyutu ve 19 x 19 inç resim boyutu 330gsm Somerset Velvet Enhanced kağıt üzerine çerçevesiz serigrafi ve Giclee baskı | 195 adet sınırlı sayıda | David Bowie ve Terry Pastor tarafından kurşun kalemle imzalanmıştır
Sınırlı Sayıda Baskı £2,250
Ziggy Stardust Albüm Kapağı (1972)
Bu Terry Pastor'un en ünlü eseri. Albüm kapak resminin temelini oluşturan orijinal siyah-beyaz fotoğraf, David Bowie'yi Londra'nın popüler Heddon Caddesi'nde Ziggy Stardust olarak gösteriyordu. Bowie'nin uzaylı bir varlığın insan tezahürü olan Ziggy Stardust karakteri, cüretkâr bir şekilde çift cinsiyetli ve öte dünyalı bir görünüme sahiptir.
28 x 27 inç kağıt boyutu ve 18,9 x 18,9 inç resim boyutu 330gsm Somerset Velvet Enhanced kağıda çerçevesiz renkli serigrafi ve Giclee güzel sanatlar baskısı | 195 adetlik Sınırlı Baskı | David Bowie ve Terry Pastor tarafından kurşun kalemle imzalanmıştır
Sınırlı Sayıda Baskı £2,250
The Archer (1976)
Resim Kaynağı: V&A
1976'da Station to Station turnesinde çekilen Archer'ın David Bowie'nin tüm zamanların en sevilen fotoğraflarından biri olduğu söyleniyor. Bowie'nin resmi web sitesine göre, ünlü rock fotoğrafçısı John Rowlands bu fotoğrafı Station to Station sahnesinin yaklaşık 30 metre uzağından çekmiş ve Hasselblad fotoğraf makinesini beyaz, siyah ve grinin böylesine keskin kontrastına sahip bir görüntü ürettiği için övüyor.
44 x 32 inç çerçevesiz 330gsm Somerset Velvet Enhanced kağıda Giclee baskı | Sınırlı sayıda 100 adet | John Rowlands ve David Bowie tarafından imzalanmıştır
Sınırlı Sayıda Baskı £2,750
Aladdin Sane İletişim Sayfası (1973)
Resim Kaynağı: Lucy Bell Güzel Sanatlar
David Bailey ve Terence Donovan ile birlikte İngiliz fotoğrafçı Brian Duffy 1960'lar ve 70'ler boyunca çığır açan moda fotoğrafçılığıyla hatırlanmaktadır. David Bowie ile yaptığı işbirliği, Bowie'nin 1973'teki altıncı albümü Aladdin Sane için bu çarpıcı fotoğraf çekimiyle sonuçlandı.
24 x 24 inç çerçevesiz Fuji Baryte kağıt üzerine K3 pigment mürekkep arşiv baskı | Sınırlı sayıda 50 adet | Brian Duffy tarafından imzalanmıştır
Sınırlı Sayıda Baskı £3,456
Diamond Dogs için Tanıtım Çekimi (1974)
Görüntü Kaynağı: Ünlüler Galerileri
Bu muhteşem fotoğraf Terry O'Neill tesadüfi bir şans eseri olmaktan ziyade dramatik bir etki yaratmak için dikkatlice sahnelenmiştir. Köpek aslında yukarıdan sarkıtılan bir et parçasına doğru sıçrıyordu. O'Neill 2011 yılında, "fotoğraf sanatına yaptığı sürekli ve önemli katkılardan dolayı" Kraliyet Fotoğraf Derneği'nin Yüzüncü Yıl Madalyası ile ödüllendirildi.
30 x 40 inç çerçevesiz Gümüş Jelatin dijital arşiv baskı | Sınırlı sayıda 50 adet | Terry O'Neill tarafından imzalanmıştır
Sınırlı Sayıda Baskı £4,800
David Bowie Hakkında
David Bowie 1947 yılında Brixton, Londra'da doğdu. O zamanlar hala David Robert Jones olarak biliniyordu. Profesyonel şarkıcılık ve oyunculuk kariyerine ciddi bir şekilde başladığı 1965 yılında resmi olarak David Bowie sahne adını aldı. NASA'nın 1969'da Ay'a insanlı iniş yapmasıyla tesadüfen aynı zamana denk gelen Space Oddity, Bowie'nin ilk büyük hit single'ı oldu.
Lüks moda markası Gucci ve ses uzmanı Sennheiser sponsorluğunda V&A'nın yeni 'David Bowie is' sergisi, David Bowie'nin özgünlüğü ve bireyselliğiyle yoğrulmuş müziğinin sanat, tasarım ve çağdaş kültürü nasıl hem etkilediğini hem de onlardan nasıl etkilendiğini derinlemesine inceliyor.
BBC TWO, V&A ile işbirliği içinde Mayıs ayında efsanevi David Bowie'nin uzun metrajlı bir profilini de yayınlayacak. Bu belgeselde Bowie'nin nadir ve açıklayıcı ses kayıtları yer alacak ve kariyerinin bugüne kadarki beş kritik yılına odaklanacak: 1971, 1975, 1977, 1980 ve 1983.
V&A Direktörü Martin Roth, "David Bowie, popüler kültürle her zamankinden daha ilgili gerçek bir ikon," diye açıklıyor. "Müzik, tiyatro, moda ve stil alanlarındaki radikal yenilikleri bugün tasarım ve görsel kültürde hala yankılanıyor ve dünyanın dört bir yanındaki sanatçı ve tasarımcılara ilham vermeye devam ediyor. David Bowie Arşivi'nden derlenen ilk sergiyi sunmaktan büyük heyecan duyuyoruz."
Her gün 10:00 - 17:45 saatleri arasında (Cuma günleri 22:00) açık olan David Bowie, 11:00'e kadar Victoria ve Albert Müzesi, Cromwell Road, Londra SW7'de sergileniyor.inci Ağustos 2013. Biletler £14 (V&A üyelerine ücretsiz).
Resim Kaynağı: V&A
İngiltere medyası ne düşünüyor...
"David Bowie rock'ın Steve Jobs'u, pop'un Picasso'sudur."
"Bowie'nin hem stil hem de müzik açısından verdiği kararlar kusursuzdu."
"Victoria ve Albert Müzesi'nin David Bowie sergisi en hızlı satış yapan etkinliği oldu."
Sky News
"Sergi, Bowie'nin yükselişini kendi kaderini tayin etme ve kültürel hareketliliğin kahramanca bir öyküsü olarak ele alıyor."
The Financial Times
"V&A'da olan şey, kelimenin tam anlamıyla bir kanonlaştırmadır."
The Guardian
I went to the Bowie exhibition 6 times whilst it was on. Absolutely loved it and if I had the funds would have definitely bought one of the limited edition prints – The Archer is my favourite one 🙂
An icon and legend, both now and then.
been undecisive about whether to go to this or not but this inspires thank you x
Not sure I would ever spend that money on a print, even if I had more than enough money to. But I love David Bowie and am looking forward to visiting the exhibition at V&A!
Sadly I’ve been unable to get tickets for the V&A exhibition, however, I did buy a print and as an investment it has more than doubled in value in the short time I have owned it.
As an image alone, everyone that has seen it so far has been amazed at the quality and the detail of it.
It is a thing of beauty.
That’s a shame about the V&A, it looks pretty good this year!
Looks like that investment paid off! Congratulations.
Nope! Wasn’t a fan then, I’m not now, and I certainly wouldn’t spend that much money on one of these prints!
Ive always liked David Bowie but these prints are well out of my price range!
What beautiful prints! Long live Bowie!
A little on the expensive side, but some nice pictures. Maybe a postcard one for me 🙂
Very expensive prints – You’d have to be a big fan to get these
A great musician, but honestly I think it would be pretty hard to justify spending that much money 🙂
They are fabulous looking pictures. I would certainly love one
David Bowie is a legendary icon. The icon has re-invented for generation after generation and has now become an art form. This defines modern culture today.
It’s all in the music. Bowie’s music will live on so these artefacts will always be collectible. I think they make good investments and will hold value but they also have an attraction that will always be there
interesting read,love david bowie
Wow these are stunning prints. I would certainly invest if I had the spare cash, one can only dream!
It’s amazing how much people will spend on a photo/memento of a celebrity… it’s a bit extreme and clearly is only for the very wealthy!
David Bowie is a genius! A true living legend, not like the terrible excuse for music we have today.
As much as I love David Bowie and these prints are absolutely stunning, i cannot justify spending that amount of money on a print. I would love to go and visit to see this Exhibition.
All the images are amazing. I hope the exhibition tours so we can see it in Scotland.
Will definitely be going to this exhibition as I’ve always loved his music. Like the prints, but wouldn’t and couldn’t pay that much.
to be honest david bowie doesnt do it for me so if i was ever lucky enough to have that sort of money i would say that no way would i buy one i dont believe in buying just to impress others and wouldnt want them on my wall
I’ve never been a fan of David Bowie but I do like a good exhibition so I might give it a go. Persuading my sister to go will be another matter all together.
I have been a fan of David Bowie for years, but the price of this artwork is way out of my reach. What a shame
Just love the Ziggy Stardust album cover artwork.I must go up to the loft and bring down my vinyl copy…………..
I love David Bowie’s music but would not spend that much on a print!!
Bowie is an incredible artist, in many media, but I’m surprised these are the five most expensive prints. Looking at other pieces of his artwork – they are even more amazing, but perhaps not so iconic. These prices are definitely out of my budget, but I wish I could go to the exhibition.
Hoping to get to the exhibition, and not becoming too nostalgic. The prints are out of my price range though.
As a fan of Bowie, this article naturally drew my attention. I was lucky to obtain a print, which I still have. After reading this I am going to move it to a different, and less sunny wall. 🙂
Thats pricy. Hey ho, I love Bowies music, even the laughing gnome, makes me giggle.
Huge Bowie fan but I don’t think I would spend that amount of money on a print of him even if I had it to spare. Although they are great. 🙂
Some of the artwork is brilliant, but the ones I’ll treasure are the original with the vinyl still in them
Cant wait to go and see this exhibition. Looks like a really well put together production
This guy was an iconic genius. No wonder why they still talk about him and the things he used to do, there was no one willing to push the boundaries the way that bowie did. 🙂
I am really impressed at the staying power of David Bowie. He looks great, sounds great – and now my kids are even getting interested in the old songs. He’s a real creative powerhouse and an asset to British music.
Amazing pictures of David Bowie. Very impressive how they got the dog to appear in the Diamond Dogs promo shot, and no CGI!
rember seeing bowie years ago at the royal court Liverpool was a great night
rember seeing bowie years ago
I saw the exebitions, superbly assembled and i learned a lot. would recommend it to anyone who loves David.
this exhibition is very awesome. i went there last week.
These pieces of art look lovely. Not hard to see why they are so expensive!
Steep prices, but David Bowie is a true and original artist . I remember him well from his Aladdin Sane days .
Since the majority of his musical works are almost priceless it can be of no surprise that the artwork commands a similar prestige!
a wonderful article, I would have loved to have seen this long overdue exhibition. Bowie is such an influential artist, always had the knack of reinventing just at the right time.
Love “The Archer” but these prints are way out of my price range.
My wife dragged me to the exhibition – don’t tell her, but I really enjoyed it.
Stunning artwork but I think I’ll have to settle for digging out the original albums and framing the covers
Well if I am lucky enough to have a small windfall soon I would love to get the Ziggy Stardust Album Cover – absolutely great. A little bit off topic but what with the exhibition, the new album I am wondering if there will be a tour soon?
I have already been to the exhibition at the v&a it was brilliant and I am going again Love David Bowie his life and his music and if I was a millionaire I would buy one but sadly I don’t have the Money to.
Just came back from the exhibition, would recommend it to everyone. What a legend!
They are interesting as pictures and pieces of pop history, but I still wouldn’t pay £5,000 for one!
I’ve always liked David Bowie because he is talented and unique and not afraid to show it. He has always been way ahead of his time in my view!
Fantastic artwork, which collectors will be fighting over to buy!
Fantastic artwork, which collectors will be fighting ovrr to buy!
Bowie is a genius,These prints are brilliant,although out of my price range
My 9 year old daughter is fascinated with David Bowie – she gets her good taste from me of course 😉
I would love to own a David Bowie print as he is my favourite artist but the prices are sady out of my budget. I wiill just have to settle for going to see them at the V & A Museum.
A stunning piece of art, music and history..! The music, lyrics, costumes that David Bowie created were amazing. I love the black and white Archer’s photograph and would love to hang that on my wall. David Bowie Is exhibition will be on my list to visit.
I don’t have that type of money lying around, but if I did I would pay that much for a print. Bowie was (is) a true artist in every sense of the word.
I love David Bowie. My 3 year old saw his photo on the front of a magazine on a recent trip to Disneyland and asked me who he was. I told her and she had a right old giggle called him Bowie David. A week after the holiday, she is still a fan – as am I. Perhaps I should take her to the exhibition – you can never start them too young!
I can safely say I would be very unlikely to spend 5000 on one of these prints, though to be fair they aren’t really my taste- whether I would spend 5000 on any print is a serious question!
The Aladdin Sane contact sheet and the Hunky Dorey Album cover are great pieces of modern art – shame about the prices a little too steep for me but I would love any of these prints on my walls
The images are iconic – definite investment pieces. I just love the ‘diamond dogs’ print.
Bowie made some great songs and they are still popular today, I personally think he was much better than a lot of the old groups, and definitely better than the new ones, I never got into the Beatle hype, but I think because he was so different he really wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, perhaps a new generation might see this art and then listen to his many hits, and realise what a treat he actually was. Give me Jean Genie and Ground Control to Major Tom anyday. At least you could understand the words.
I am keen to visit this exhibition during the summer as it strikes me as being pretty interesting but nearly £5000 for a print and not even a frame with it – I don’t think!
I love the images and art, would to be able to own one of these.
He was definitely the Lady Gaga of that generation! Although massively more intriguing than her, and less annoying!
Oh Chris Goulding, you said it splendidly, at least about the “intriguing”and “less annoying”part. But one should always give deference to ancestry; thus, Lady Gaga would be the David Bowie of HER generation. Except, of course, she really isn’t, as the music of Miss Gaga isn’t of the quality over which I would ever go ga-ga. I doubt very much Gaga’s body of work, half a century from now, will be remembered in the same manner as the music of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, and The Ramones is today. She just isn’t that important.
The Ziggy cover and Diamond Dogs are pretty cool but prices are a little steep for me, does one haggle with the V&A ?