When you become a Solopro member, we start by introducing you to your dedicated account manager.
From there we build a service around your business that covers flexible pricing, priority production and payment on account with credit terms that work for you. There’s no retainer or subscription to pay, and your dedicated support team will always be on hand to speak to you directly.
For businesses that rely on a high volume of print, Solopress is proud to offer Solopro - an exclusive service that provides comprehensive support that’s tailored to your needs.
The advantages offered by Solopro are targeted to make print-buying simpler, faster and more cost-effective for businesses that buy high volumes of print.
While Solopro membership is especially recommended for businesses that spend over £20,000 on print per year, any business that feels it could benefit is welcome to apply.
Sarah joined our board of directors in 2024 following 14 years with Bluetree Group, where she held positions including Head of Sales at Route 1 and Deputy General Manager of Kingsbury Press. She oversees all aspects of sales and customer experience at Solopress, including Solopro.
“Through Solopro, we’re able to provide an invaluable service that gives businesses with large and complex print requirements the dedicated attention they deserve. Maintaining open, two-way communication with our customers is vital to identifying and meeting their complex needs, and I'm always keen to hear suggestions on how we can further enhance our service.”
Phil started his career in the print industry over 35 years ago as a plate maker in pre-press. After running his own printing business, he spent a successful spell as Senior Sales Executive at Saxoprint.
“I believe in a consultative approach and Solopro is the perfect channel for that way of working, allowing business customers to have meaningful conversations with highly experienced account managers.”
After two decades in the industry with Printing.com, Nettl, Grafenia and Helloprint, where he was UK Country Director, Paul joined us in July 2023. He has a focus on supporting businesses in the North of the UK.
“I’m excited by how Solopro’s exceptional service levels combine with Solopress’ extensive production facilities. It allows businesses to receive expert consultation and competitive pricing along with high-speed, high-quality fulfilment.”
Working across both Solopro and Solopress, Tony ensures every customer interaction meets our exacting service standards. In his spare moments, he enjoys hiking, weight training and watching F1.
“I truly believe that Solopress has the strongest and most adaptive account management team in print, and the Solopro team represents the best of the best. Customers can be assured that they’re in great hands, plus I’m always available to speak to customers directly.”
With a background in publishing and 9 years in the print industry, Bernard is a Book printing specialist who also has a comprehensive knowledge across our entire product range, currently focusing in helping our API customers daily. When he’s not grappling with print, Bernard is a fan of professional wrestling.
“With the relationship that we’re able to build with Solopro customers, we’re able to build bespoke products that help them to stand out.”
Grace has been with us for nearly 10 years, gaining experience in customer service, sales, order processing and marketing before becoming a Solopro account manager. In her spare time, cat-lover Grace enjoys cooking and savouring her own creations.
“I love building personal relationships with customers and being able to provide effective print solutions when they come to me with requests.”
Martin has an incredible 38 years of industry experience, the last 18 of which he’s spent with Solopress. He enjoys getting out in the countryside and running, preferably both at the same time.
“I like to acquire a thorough understanding of a customer’s needs and requirements, expanding relationships with customers by continuously proposing solutions that meet their objectives.”
Michael led his own customer service team at Solopress before helping to launch Solopro in 2019. A football fan and committed family man, he has been with Solopress for over 10 years.
“For me, Solopro is about always striving for better. As a Solopro member, your account manager is constantly looking for ways to develop and improve the way we serve the specific needs of your business.”
A DIY enthusiast and former competitive cyclist, Neil has spent over 30 years working in the print industry, including running his own printing firm. He has been with Solopress for 17 years.
“With Solopro, business owners get to speak to someone who’s on their level and who has the experience and understanding to provide effective print support for businesses.”
With 17 years of industry experience, Glenn has refined his skill in crafting solutions for clients, working closely to achieve the desired artwork, and adeptly detecting and resolving artwork issues to preempt potential problems. Beyond work, Glenn indulges his passion for art, illustration, and photography.
“I enjoy collaborating with customers to create or enhance their projects by addressing potential issues before they go to print, so our customers receive the perfect product.”
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